My characters are all members of the gay-friendly guilds Stonewall Champions and Spreading Taint on Proudmoore. If you click on the character's portrait you will get a fairly recent view of the character's profile.Alliance
Beckham (lvl 60 human paladin) Cadinot (lvl 60 night elf rogue) Machismo (lvl 60 gnome warrior) Mentos (lvl 60 dwarf priest) Horde
Cazzo (lvl 60 undead warlock) Cocopuff (lvl 60 tauren hunter) Shakakhan (lvl 60 troll shaman) Here's various screenshots from the game of my main character Beckham. From the top left to right there's the instances Blackfathom Depths, Scarlet Monastery, Razorfen Downs and Maraudon, followed by Beckham in Desolace, Stranglethorn Vale, Tanaris, Un'Goro Crater, Azshara and Winterspring. Then there's a screenshot from the guilds' Pride Parade in Booty Bay and then a screenshot of the magic moment when I hit level 60! The final screenshots are our guild raids against Onyxia and Ragnaros.
Here's a couple of screenshots of my gnome warrior Machismo. The first is the little guy getting punted by the boss mob of the Zul'Farrak instance and the next is in Ironforge at Christmas time. He's a bit smaller than normal having used his new World Enlarger. Then there's Machismo overlooking the troll city of Jintha'alor in Hinterlands followed by my gnome warrior in the battleground Warsong Gulch. We were getting our butts kicked by the Horde and they essentially let me get this one flag in - I know because they stood there pelting Machismo with snowballs as I ran instead of attacking - note the orc 'kek' - which translates to 'LOL'. The next two screenshots are from the quest that leads to access to Onyxia's lair. There's one where you face the dragon in her human form in Stormwind Keep followed by another where when done you get punted from Winterspring to Western Plague Lands on the other side of Azeroth (gnomes get's punted a lot). The last screenshot it Machismo hitting level 60.
Here's a few screenshots of my sexy night elf rogue Cadinot. They're both from Maraudon, one showing off a fist weapon that had dropped earlier and the other of the beautiful Earth Song Falls.